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Monday-Friday: 8:30AM-7:30PM ET
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00AM-5:00PM ET


Insuring your new purchase can be quick and easy and gives you the freedom to wear your jewellery without worry, knowing it’s protected.

We have arranged for Jewelers Mutual Insurance Group to offer our customers in the U.S. and Canada (excluding those in Québec) valuable coverage to help protect your David Yurman purchase. Since 1913, Jewelers Mutual has been the only insurer dedicated exclusively to jewellery, providing comprehensive repair or replacement coverage with worldwide protection against loss, theft, damage and mysterious disappearance.

Insuring with Jewelers Mutual offers a number of benefits, including:

If you have any questions, please email or call (888) 884-2424.

Get My Free Quote

By clicking the button above, you will be redirected to a Jewelers Mutual website and will authorize Jewelers Mutual to securely obtain and save details of your purchase—which may include your name and address—in order to calculate a no-obligation insurance quote. A copy of Jewelers Mutual’s privacy policy can be found at Any coverage is subject to acceptance by Jewelers Mutual and their policy terms and conditions. David Yurman is not a licensed agent of Jewelers Mutual and does not sell or recommend insurance. The content of this section is provided by Jewelers Mutual.

Contact Customer Care

Call us 1-833-211-2442
Send us an email

Hours of Operation

Monday–Friday: 9:00AM–7:30PM ET
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00AM–5:00PM ET