In support of

Shop designs benefiting our partner organizationand its mission to create a more inclusive world.
Shop designs benefiting our partnerorganization and its mission to create amore inclusive world.
Shop designs benefiting our partnerorganization and its mission to create amore inclusive world.
David Yurman is proud to support many charitable organizations and cultural institutions.This selection of designs benefits The Trevor Project, the leading crisis intervention andsuicide prevention organization for LGBTQ+ young people.*
David Yurman is proud to support manycharitable organizations and culturalinstitutions. This selection of designsbenefits The Trevor Project, the leadingcrisis intervention and suicide preventionorganization for LGBTQ+ young people.*
David Yurman is proud to support manycharitable organizations and culturalinstitutions. This selection of designsbenefits The Trevor Project, the leadingcrisis intervention and suicide preventionorganization for LGBTQ+ young people.*
Shop to Support
Shop to Support
Shop to Support
Since 2022, David Yurman hashelped to support over 5,200LGBTQ+ young people in crisis.We are proud to stand with youngpeople of every gender and sexualorientation and support The TrevorProject’s mission of creating a moreinclusive world.
Since 2022, David Yurman has helped tosupport over 5,200 LGBTQ+ young people incrisis. We are proud to stand with youngpeople of every gender and sexual orientationand support The Trevor Project’s mission ofcreating a more inclusive world.
Since 2022, David Yurman has helped tosupport over 5,200 LGBTQ+ young people incrisis. We are proud to stand with youngpeople of every gender and sexual orientationand support The Trevor Project’s mission ofcreating a more inclusive world.
*From now through December 31, 2025, while supplies last, David Yurman will donate 20% of the purchase price (sale price ofthe product, less shipping, handling, and certain returns and/or repairs, taxes, and others eligible discounts) from these designs,along with $16 of the $20 purchase price from the orange cable bracelet to The Trevor Project. Minimum donation of $50,000.Applicable to full-price sales in DY retail stores (excluding outlets and DY Saks concession) and online, within the US.
*From now through December 31, 2025, whilesupplies last, David Yurman will donate 20% ofthe purchase price (sale price of the product,less shipping, handling, and certain returns and/or repairs, taxes, and others eligible discounts)from these designs, along with $16 of the $20purchase price from the orange cable braceletto The Trevor Project. Minimum donation of$50,000. Applicable to full-price sales in DYretail stores (excluding outlets and DY Saksconcession) and online, within the US.
*From now through December 31, 2025, whilesupplies last, David Yurman will donate 20% ofthe purchase price (sale price of the product,less shipping, handling, and certain returns and/or repairs, taxes, and others eligible discounts)from these designs, along with $16 of the $20purchase price from the orange cable braceletto The Trevor Project. Minimum donation of$50,000. Applicable to full-price sales in DYretail stores (excluding outlets and DY Saksconcession) and online, within the US.
The Trevor Project’s mission is to end suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer andquestioning LGBTQ+ young people by providing free, 24/7 crisis counseling.
The Trevor Project’s mission is to end suicideamong lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,queer and questioning LGBTQ+ young peopleby providing free, 24/7 crisis counseling.
The Trevor Project’s mission is to end suicideamong lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,queer and questioning LGBTQ+ young peopleby providing free, 24/7 crisis counseling.