Founded in 1980 by David and Sybil Yurman, the company is, in their own words, “one long art project.”
Their ability to fuse fashion, art and jewellery into signature design concepts revolutionized an industry,
creating an entirely new category—American Designer Jewelry.
Born two months and a few miles apart, David and Sybil Yurman led parallel lives, coming to art
separately in their youth. David first developed his artistic eye from viewing pictures of the Lascaux cave
paintings, and Sybil explored the colours used by French Impressionist painters. Dissatisfied with a
rote school curriculum, they both discovered making art was their true calling.
passion, collaboration and curiosity. Founded
in 1980 by David and Sybil Yurman, the
company is, in their own words, “one long art
project.” Their ability to fuse fashion, art and
jewellery into signature design concepts
revolutionized an industry, creating an entirely
new category—American Designer Jewelry.
Born two months and a few miles apart,
David and Sybil Yurman led parallel lives,
coming to art separately in their youth.
David first developed his artistic eye from
viewing pictures of the Lascaux cave
paintings, and Sybil explored the colours
used by French Impressionist painters.
Dissatisfied with a rote school curriculum,
they both discovered making art was
their true calling.
Sybil Yurman and the company they built.
going back and forth between Greenwich Village, Haight-Ashbury, Venice Beach and Big Sur.
Their separate times apprenticing with different masters defined their individual artistic languages
and ultimately led to the collaborative masterpiece we know today.
Their serendipitous meeting in 1969 ignited what would become a lifelong partnership in
both art and business. The company David and Sybil have built is rooted in the constant dialogue
between their shared creative vision and goal to make beautiful things to wear. A profound
collaboration with each other, their son, Evan, their business partners and
their collectors have shaped a more than 50-year career.
underground art worlds of New York and
California, going back and forth between
Greenwich Village, Haight-Ashbury, Venice
Beach and Big Sur. Their separate times
apprenticing with different masters defined
their individual artistic languages and
ultimately led to the collaborative masterpiece
we know today.
Their serendipitous meeting in 1969 ignited
what would become a lifelong partnership in
both art and business. The company David and
Sybil have built is rooted in the constant
dialogue between their shared creative vision
and goal to make beautiful things to wear. A
profound collaboration with each other, their
son, Evan, their business partners and
their collectors have shaped a more than
50-year career.
Our History

The birth of future artists David and Sybil

David discovers his love of art in prehistoric cave paintings

Sybil finds her passion for poetry, painting, and colour

Sybil leaves school to pursue art and literature on her own terms

David begins to sculpt in bronze using the direct-welding technique he learned from sculptor Ernesto Gonzalez

Sybil lives in Hyphen House with poets and artists during the San Francisco renaissance

David hitchhikes cross country from Greenwich Village to Venice Beach and Big Sur 11 times.

David apprentices with modernist sculptor Jacques Lipchitz, while Sybil hones her craft as a ceramicist in San Francisco

David establishes his studio in Greenwich Village

David meets Sybil while working at sculptor Hans Van de Bovenkamp’s studio. A lifelong collaboration is born.

David and Sybil are major figures in the American Craft Movement

Sybil wears the Dante necklace David sculpted for her to a gallery opening. Orders follow.

David and Sybil found their first design business, Putnam Art Works

David is recognized as a pioneer in Designer Jewellery

David and Sybil marry in New York City, with custom-soldered rings

The David Yurman company is formed

David is awarded Designer of the Year by the Cultured Pearl Associations of America and Japan

Evan Yurman is born. He will show an aptitude and love for design from a very young age.

Creation of the bronze wire Starlight Collection

The David Yurman signature Cable bracelet design is created

David Yurman debuts his work in Basel, Switzerland at the World Watch and Jewellery show

Silver Ice Collection launches, revolutionizing the world of fine jewellery by setting diamonds in sterling silver

The first David Yurman boutique opens on Madison Avenue in New York City

The company revolutionizes the jewellery industry’s approach to advertising with its first lifestyle campaign

The David and Sybil Yurman Humanitarian and Arts Foundation is established. It will later become the Yurman Family Foundation.

Evan Yurman joins the company and becomes the Design Director of Men’s Jewellery

Kate Moss brings her inimitable charisma to David Yurman’s ad campaigns

David Yurman opens a flagship store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills

The Wedding, Classic Timepieces, and High Jewellery Collections are launched

The company marks its 30th anniversary with a new flagship on Madison Avenue

Celebrating a new boutique in Paris at Printemps, David and Sybil are inspired by fireworks bursting over the Eiffel Tower to create new collections

Evan Yurman celebrates a decade as a key creative leader in the company

David designs the 50th Anniversary Milestone trophy for the Academy of Country Music Awards

David Yurman receives a design trademark registration for the 10mm Renaissance Bracelet

David Yurman joins the Responsible Jewellery Council, becoming a certified member in 2018

Rizzoli publishes David Yurman Cable, the brand’s first book

David Yurman is granted a patent for the DY Signature Cut diamond

David and Sybil sponsor the Golden Kingdom: Luxury and Legacy in the Ancient Americas exhibition at the Met

Boutiques open in Colourado, Texas, New Jersey, and Florida

57th Street flagship store opens between Fifth and Madison Avenues, a global luxury shopping destination

David Yurman celebrates 50 years of innovative jewellery design

The David Yurman x Robin Hood Unity Fund is established

David delivers the commencement speech at The Savannah College of Art and Design and receives an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters