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In the 1970s, inspired by ancient jewelry in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, David Yurman twisted fifty feet of wire by hand into the first Cable bracelet. For almost 50 years, David has returned to the cable form as a creative wellspring.
Cable Sizes
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Cable as Design
As a sculptor, David was fascinated by cable in Greek, Roman, and Celtic jewelry. He recognized that this spiral form was found in nature and throughout history: from ancient to modern art, and in today’s industrial innovations.

The Renaissance
David called his first Cable bracelet collection Renaissance®, after its historical inspiration. Embellished with brilliant gemstones, the design is a striking blend of classical and contemporary. This bracelet became an iconic David Yurman piece: instantly identifiable, an enduring classic.

The Art of Innovation
In the early 1980s, David and Sybil left the world of craft shows and art galleries, entering the mainstream with a category they helped create: Designer Jewelry. Overwhelmed by requests for more Cable bracelets, they worked with engineers to develop a process that would twist the precious metal precisely the way David wanted—a marriage of artistic vision and innovative technology.

Renaissance Reimagined
As time went by, David experimented with different versions of the now-iconic Renaissance® style. He adorned its end caps with vibrant gemstones: purple amethyst, turquoise, red carnelian, black onyx, green peridot and golden citrine. This colorful variety let women create their own palette of what David called “personal choice jewelry.”

Cable Continuum
Cable became the Yurman signature—an iconic design element that remains an endlessly malleable symbol of connection and unity. The inventive process used to create Cable continues to inform the David Yurman approach, resulting in patented techniques and trademarked designs.

One Motif,
Many Expressions
Whether encrusted with white or black diamonds, in monochromatic precious metals or reimagined in vivid anodized aluminum, Cable embodies both timeless universality and new possibilities. It represents the past, present, and future of David Yurman designs.

David Yurman, well before he formalized a career as a sculptor and jeweler, prophetically encountered the meaning of cable in nature. He recounts a story about his youth: “Occasionally, I made the rebellious decision to play hooky and visit a wooded area with beautiful trees encircled with enormous hanging vines, so strong you could swing on them. It was a visceral connection with a natural form.”
As a boy on his way to school, David Yurman would walk through a wooded area with enormous, twisted hanging vines. Even then, he had a “visceral connection with a natural form,” sparking a lifelong fascination with the strength, beauty, flexibility, and potential of cable.